Tory right to hold summit on star chamber's verdict of Rwanda plan before crunch vote

By John Mercury December 11, 2023

Conservatives on the right of the party are to meet to discuss a legal verdict on Rishi Sunak’s Rwanda legislation.

Monday’s crunch summit comes after the prime minister’s deportation plan was dealt a blow by the faction’s so-called “star chamber”, which concluded his Rwanda bill is not “sufficiently watertight”, and would continue to leave the way open for illegal migrants to mount legal challenges in an attempt to stay in the UK.

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The European Research Group’s (ERG) panel believes the law’s current wording will fail to achieve the aim of deporting migrants to east Africa after they cross the English Channel.

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Conservative veteran Sir Bill Cash, who chaired the group behind the report, told The Sunday Telegraph he hopes it will help the government decide whether the bill needs further amendments.

Meanwhile, more moderate Tories are weighing up whether they can support the plans amid concerns about compelling courts to find Rwanda is a “safe” country to send asylum seekers.

Veteran cabinet minister Michael Gove indicated the government was open to making changes to the controversial draft law which faces a crucial first vote in the Commons on Tuesday, amid Conservative splits.

The communities secretary told Sky News the government is “not contemplating” an early general election because ministers are “confident” the Rwanda bill will be approved by MPs.

ERG chairman Mark Francois said: “The ERG will be meeting tomorrow (Sunday), from noon onwards, to hear a presentation from Sir Bill Cash on the findings of his ‘star chamber’ of legal experts, following their forensic examination of the Rwanda bill.

“Under the circumstances, we are also extending an invitation to members of other backbench groups within the Conservative family, including the New Conservatives; the Common Sense Group; the Conservative Growth Group and the Northern Research Group.

“We then aim to have a collective discussion about our best approach to the second reading of the bill, on Tuesday.”

Speaking to the Sunday Morning with Trevor Phillips programme, Mr Gove said the emergency legislation was “a tough but also proportionate measure”.

Mr Sunak brought forward the revamped plan in a bid to salvage his embattled Rwanda policy and deliver on his pledge to “stop the boats” after the Supreme Court ruled the policy unlawful.

Asked if there will be an early election if the bill does not pass the Commons, Mr Gove said: “No, we’re not contemplating that because I’m confident that when people look at the legislation – and have a chance to reflect – that they will recognise that this is a tough but also proportionate measure.

“And of course, we will listen to opinion within the House of Commons.”

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Robert Jenrick, who resigned as immigration minister claiming the Rwanda bill was too weak, has confirmed he will not support it but told the BBC “we can fix this” – while raising the possibility he could abstain along with other opponents before trying to amend the legislation at a later stage.

He said: “I’m afraid it’s very clear to all those people who really understand how this system operates that this bill will not succeed.

“I will always put the vital national interests of this country and the views and concerns of the British public above contested notions of international law.”

In a thinly veiled sideswipe at Mr Sunak, he added: “We’re sent to parliament to represent those people, the general public.

“We’re not sent to parliament to be concerned about our reputations on the gilded international circuit.”

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What is the revamped Rwanda plan?
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‘The toughest immigration legislation I’ve ever seen’

But Conservative former cabinet minister David Davis told Phillips he would be backing the bill.

He said: “The legislation is about the toughest immigration legislation I’ve ever seen in truth, and I actually think the prime minister is right that it can’t go any further.

“He has to take a grip of this.

“I actually think this is a really hard piece of law… it’s literally written on the decision of the Supreme Court.”

He also had a dig at sacked home secretary Suella Braverman, who has been scathing of the approach being taken by Mr Sunak and the Home Office.

Mr Davis said: “It’s a tough job… but it’s all very well for her to come along and blame everybody else now.

“She’s been in charge of this department for well over a year, and it didn’t improve.”

Warning colleagues against manoeuvring over a potential future leadership bid, he pointed out “people who trade off their own future against the future of the party always lose”.

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Also appearing on Phillips’ show, Labour frontbencher Liz Kendall said: “We want to use the money spent on Rwanda to have a different plan that actually works.

“The problem is we have seen the government spend months and months on a plan going around in circles.”

However, despite the Tory divisions she predicted the bill would clear its first parliamentary hurdle “comfortably” as Conservative MPs wanted to avoid an election and risk losing their seats.

Meanwhile, anti-corruption campaigner Bill Browder has told the BBC the president of Rwanda “is like the Putin of Africa”, as he called for the deportation policy to be “torn up”.


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